About the Book of Common Prayer - Overview. Part 1 of a series. Fr. John discusses the “30,000 foot view” of the Book of Common Prayer 2019 edition by ACNA
About the Book of Common Prayer – The Church Calendar and the Lectionary. Part 2 of a series about the Book of Common Prayer. Fr. John introduces us to the Church calendar year and how to determine which readings to read for Sunday worship and for Daily office.
About the Book of Common Prayer – The Daily Office. Part 3 of a series about the Book of Common Prayer. Fr. John leads us through the daily office. Morning prayer, evening prayer, etc.
What is Advent? Fr. John gives an introduction to Advent and some of the traditions surrounding it.
The “O” Antiphons. A part of the last week of Advent. You may think you haven’t heard of them before, but….
About Lent. Fr. John discusses the season of Lent. Ash Wednesday, Lenten disciplines, Holy week.
The Rite of Reconciliation (Confession). Fr. John talks about confession – what it is and isn’t, and how to do it.
A Spiritual Rule of Life. Fr. John talks about having a rule of life. Why it’s important, how to make one, and some examples of spiritual disciplines.
What are Rogation Days? Fr. John talks about little-known Rogation days. Find out more about how the church prays for those in agriculture and other businesses.