We meet at First Alliance Church, located at 1835 Central Ave (Corner of Central and 19th ST W)
What to expect

The parking lot is located on the North side of the building, off 19th St. W. Handicap parking is available.

Due to the small space we are currently worshipping in, there isn’t a separate room for children - we would rather have them with us in the service anyway - we believe that God delights in little children and so do we!
We take your child’s safety seriously. All our volunteers have been screened and undergone additional training.
Can my child have communion? Anyone who has been baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and can articulate a basic understanding of what is going on (which can be as simple as a child answering “yes” to the question “Do you want Jesus?” when offered the bread) can receive communion. If you would like communion for a younger child, or for someone who - because of disability - cannot articulate a desire, we can usually accommodate that, but ask that you see the priest first.

How do people dress for church?
There is no “expected” dress for Holy Spirit - you will find people in blue jeans and in coat and tie. Please come dressed in whatever makes you comfortable and contributes to your worship.
When and how long are the services?
Regular Sunday services start at 3:00 pm and generally last 75 minutes or so. Special services such as during Christmas and Easter, can be found on our calendar of events.
How will I know how to follow the service?
The ushers will provide you with a service booklet as you enter. The entire service is printed in your booklet. Feel free to take it with you after the service.
What kinds of music will I hear?
We utilize both traditional hymns and more contemporary worship songs.
What kinds of sermons will I hear?
Sermons are scripture based, and focus on both helping to understand the Word of God, and how to apply it in our daily lives. They usually run about about 20 minutes in length. You can go to our “Sermons” page to access recent recordings.
When, and how, is Communion celebrated?
We celebrate Communion every Sunday. Communion is open to anyone who has been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and who professes a belief in Jesus Christ. It is celebrated with wafers and wine. (Gluten free wafers are available upon request). You may receive the wine either in a small single-use cup or drinking it directly from the common cup. If you are not baptized or do not wish to receive communion, you are invited to come for a blessing; you may indicate you are not receiving communion by crossing your arms across your chest. If you would like to be baptized, please speak to one of our pastors.

We are excited to meet you! Please hang out after the service to meet our pastors and connect with others. If you have any questions about your visit, please contact us at admin@hsacbillings.org